MAAD blog

roll alignment

Roll Alignment System Cuts Downtime in Half with Live Corrections!

One of our focuses in 2016 will be our new Easy-Laser E975 Roll Alignment tool. Belterra, one of our customers in Western Canada this year, is using it (in conjunction with the Easy-Laser E970 Parallel tool) and finding success moving, correcting and aligning rolls live time!

Just recently, we performed a successful demonstration of the system at a large metal-forming company. It is very encouraging to see their excitement when they can see that they can move the rolls live time in both vertical and horizontal planes while keeping the alignment process very accurate.

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laser shaft alignment systems
Shaft Alignment

Getting the Right Angle Shaft Alignment

Getting the right angle can pull you out of a jam.

When we think of shaft alignment we usually think of one machine being the stationary and the other machine being the moveable. The normal preference is to use the driven (ie. pump) as the stationary and the driver (ie. motor) as the moveable. The reason behind this is that you don’t want to create pipe strain by moving the pump. Makes sense right? For some who don’t think beyond this, it limits their options.

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softfoot check
Articles & Case Studies

Alignment Problems: Dancing with a Soft Foot

Alignment of machinery is critical in plant operations, and soft foot conditions are especially troublesome. Here’s how various alignment systems can help.

You would probably think it foolish to have work done on the front end of your car and not have the alignment checked and if necessary adjusted. If the front end is out of alignment the car would start to vibrate, sometimes excessively, right up the steering column into your hands.

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Student Millwrights: Why not hire one for the summer?

Summer is upon us and hopefully the livin’ is easy! For some in the mechanical maintenance world the summer time is a slow time; for others, it’s go go go. For instance, in cement plants they have their maintenance shut down in the winter months when it’s slow because their summer is full steam ahead for production. No matter what industry you’re in, one of your pressing problems is making sure that you have adequate maintenance coverage or man-power over the vacation period.

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frist maad training

First MAAD Training session with Local 2309 Toronto Millwright Union a Success!

Our first new MAAD Training session kicked off last week with some great feedback from the participants. For most it was “much better” then expected. One participant said, “I can’t wait for the next opportunity to use this new information!”  Our next Training session is in June. For more information on MAAD training go to our Training page here and contact us now.

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Benchmark PDM Training

Local Utilities Company knows about Extending a Machines Life Expectancy

Recently, BENCHMARK PDM trainers were called to go a couple of hours northeast to a Utilities company that needed some on-site training for an Easy-Laser shaft alignment tool purchased not long ago. Usually, “on the job” or “on-machine” training sessions only aren’t offered because it is hard to teach each tradesperson, mechanic or millwright the specifics of the shaft alignment tool and then do it real-time with them retaining all of the information in a potentially noisy industrial setting, especially for a larger group.

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