New Features & Level Program Included in Latest EASY-LASER XT App (v.7.1.4 & 7.1.5)
Easy Laser has just released its latest free XT app update, version 7.1.4, and it comes with some new shaft alignment laser features as well as a new program for the XT290 Digital Precision Level!
Version 7.1.4
Shaft Alignment Programs
• New Uncoupled sweep measurement method available for XT550, XT660 and XT770 systems. An excellent measurement choice when you have to measure with the coupling off or open and only one or possibly no shafts, can rotate manually. One Measuring Unit can easily pass by the other unit while it takes the reading.
• Improvements in shaft alignment tolerance handling: the system will now preselect the last used tolerance table (ANSI/ASA S2.75-2017 or Easy-Laser).
• Improvements in background live handling (in Narrow live, Wide live, and 9-12-3 modes).
• Cardan program now available for XT550 and XT660 systems.
• Adjustment guide now available for XT550 system.
Values Program
• Values program now supports new XT290 digital precision level.
• Display and record up to four units at the same time
• Extra digit when entering distances in imperial units.
• Bug fixes and improvements.
Version 7.1.5
Version 7.1.5 includes bug fixes on the 7.1.4 release.
The following bugs were corrected in version 7.1.5:
• The target crosshair was not centered correctly after resetting a zero.
• Sometimes the target crosshair became slightly offseted after zero.
• Problem with connecting XT280 vibrometer in IOS.
All programs
• Selected unit system information (mm/mils) was missing in the program header.
Realted Tag: Easy-Laser Shaft Alignment
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