Articles & Case Studies

understanding thermal growth part 2
Articles & Case Studies

Understanding Thermal Growth in Your Rotating Machinery – Part 3

There are other issues we should be aware of when talking about a machine’s thermal growth in our rotating machinery and how it affects the machine’s alignment at the coupling. One major factor affecting machinery alignment is Dynamic pipe strain caused by thermal growth. However, there are two types of pipe strain and the other type is also important to know about. Static pipe strain exists when the machines are not even operating. Static pipe strain is a major cause of machine failures and is the result of incorrect fabrication and/or installation, inadequate or missing support, or machine movement after piping is connected. Its effects are relatively simple to measure however, it’s often ignored because repairs or rework are perceived to be costly, but that’s not always the case.

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Understanding Thermal Growth in Your Rotating Machinery – Part 2
Articles & Case Studies

Understanding Thermal Growth in Your Rotating Machinery – Part 2

In the first part of this article (click here for Understanding Thermal Growth in Your Rotating Machinery – Part 1), we defined what thermal growth in machines is. We used an example of a machine growing equal amounts in the vertical direction. The fix was to lift or lower the machine of choice by a total of 5 thou (0.005“) to compensate for the growth offset. To reiterate this example a little further see below the temperature readings we took on a motor running at approx. 1800 rpm. The first reading (PHOTO – below) the front foot is 51° C and the next reading (PHOTO – below) the back foot is 38° C.

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understanding thermal growth
Articles & Case Studies

Understanding Thermal Growth in Your Rotating Machinery – Part 1

Thermal growth is an issue that is very much ignored because many think it too complicated to calculate and compensate for. Some are even unaware that it is an important issue that should be considered. However, many machinery manufacturers (for example, a Heat Pump Manufacturer) have to be aware of and take thermal growth into consideration when manufacturing such machines for home and commercial use. So our aim is to address this issue and hopefully simplify it so that it can be measured and compensated for on a more regular basis. We will do this over a three-part article – Part Two and Three will follow in the New Year. So excuse the pun but we want thermal growth to be the hot issue in 2016!

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softfoot check
Articles & Case Studies

Alignment Problems: Dancing with a Soft Foot

Alignment of machinery is critical in plant operations, and soft foot conditions are especially troublesome. Here’s how various alignment systems can help.

You would probably think it foolish to have work done on the front end of your car and not have the alignment checked and if necessary adjusted. If the front end is out of alignment the car would start to vibrate, sometimes excessively, right up the steering column into your hands.

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Student Millwrights: Why not hire one for the summer?

Summer is upon us and hopefully the livin’ is easy! For some in the mechanical maintenance world the summer time is a slow time; for others, it’s go go go. For instance, in cement plants they have their maintenance shut down in the winter months when it’s slow because their summer is full steam ahead for production. No matter what industry you’re in, one of your pressing problems is making sure that you have adequate maintenance coverage or man-power over the vacation period.

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MAAD Maintenance
Articles & Case Studies

Get MAAD about Maintenance!

How getting a little MAAD can help you with your Maintenance Processes

Most of us have heard enough about Reactive, Preventive, and Predictive Maintenance practices. Well how about Insane Maintenance? Yes that’s right, Insane Maintenance. You see, a definition of insanity is “to do the same thing over and over and to expect a different result”. If you think about it, do we – in the maintenance world – repair equipment only to have it breakdown again and again? How many bearings will be replaced this year in say an industrial area such as Fort McMurray Alberta – the center of Canada’s oil? Or say Sarnia Ontario, known as the chemical valley?  To be honest, I don’t know but an educated guess would be in the millions.

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Soft Product, Harsh Conditions

In my business of providing alignment services, I get to see and work in a lot of harsh environments. In the past, I have written about doing this work in cement plants, which I think are some of the toughest because not only does the cement dust plug up the machines, it’s so abrasive that it wears them out quickly. Recently, I calibrated a laser system that had been used for a long time in a coke plant at a steel mill and I was reminded of just how harsh and very dirty these facilities are. Another example is a plant that makes a nice soft product – but the environment is anything but – it’s a tissue mill. Can you imagine how much nice, soft tissue is used in North America per day? Per hour? Tons! It’s a large industry.

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Machine-Base-Twist icons
Articles & Case Studies

Now More Than Ever: The Importance of Machine Base Flatness

Now more than ever I’m convinced that many machines are installed on bases that are not flat – especially large, newer and more flexible machines on old bases. 

Recently, while doing some training for one of our customers (KSB Pumps Inc.), we had an opportunity to do a little experiment with a base and motor. KSB Pumps Inc. is a large well known pump manufacturer who provides the complete units of base, motor and pump. For many of their customers they do the initial installation work.

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Machinery Installation: Are You Keeping Pace with Technology?

Not all millwright (construction) and maintenance industries have kept up with today’s machinery installation technologies.

When we think about machinery installation, most tradesmen think of alignment, actually, shaft alignment. The reason for this is because it is usually the most difficult part of the process. It doesn’t have to be but basically, because of inadequate training, even tradesmen who have laser systems are not comfortable with the process and it can still be a hit and miss affair. This is understandable because in many cases, they were shown by the instrument salesman which buttons to push and the rest is up to him! Many companies have laser systems but do not use or even know of their instruments full capabilities!

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