Benchmark PDM present new measurement & alignment system at the 2016 EASA Convention
The 2016 EASA (Electrical Apparatus Service Association) Convention in Toronto on June 12-14 was a great opportunity to show off our new Easy-Laser E720 shaft alignment tool to the people attending the show.
The Metro Toronto Convention Centre was full of attendees from around North America.
Hanna Lofgren from Easy-Laser was there with us at our booth demonstrating all of the Easy-Laser shaft alignment and measurement systems available.
Hanna and John (BENCHMARK PDM owner) are shown here demonstrating the new E720 Shaft/Geo system to some interested attendees. While the E720 shaft alignment tool can do accurate shaft alignment for large and critical machines, it can also take a flatness measurement of the base or foundation those machines sit on – with precision!
For more information on the new E720 system, click here.
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