Easy-Laser E720 system wins 2016 Product of the Year Bronze Award!
Plant Engineering’s Product of the Year recognizes new and innovative products in the manufacturing industry. The competition features products in fifteen different categories, all which can help make the manufacturing process smarter, safer and more efficient. The Easy-Laser® E720 was one of thirteen nominees in the category Maintenance Tools & Equipment. The Easy-Laser® E720 won the Bronze Award in this years Plant Engineering’s 2016 Product of the Year awards!
Congrats to Steve Lochard, CRL of Ludeca Inc. (U.S. Easy-Laser Distributor) on accepting this award!
Easy-Laser launched the E720 earlier in 2016 and it is the most versatile Easy-Laser® system. It is an all-in-one solution for both machine installation and precision alignment.
The E720 measures base twist, straightness of piping, rolls and shafts, parallelism of surfaces, and flatness and levelness of machine foundations and bases. For shaft alignment, the E720 measures misalignment as well as any soft foot condition. Read more on the product page here.
See all the winners here.
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