“Driven By Precision” – MRO Magazine does Feature Interview with John Lambert in June 2017 Issue
The popular MRO Magazine, who have been “serving machinery & equipment maintenance professionals across Canada” since 2009, have recently published an interview John Lambert in their latest edition. The interview, called “Driven by Precision” features John Lambert, President of Benchmark PDM, and about passing on his many years of experience to the colleges and the next generation.
Below is an excerpt from the interview:
MRO: You recently changed your company name to Benchmark PDM (Precision Driven Maintenance). Why did you make this change?
Lambert: We used to be Benchmark Maintenance Services reflecting the desire to be a service provider. However, because of our strong training programs we became a knowledge-based company and as such we promote a maintenance strategy/philosophy, which is condition-based maintenance. An element of this is precision maintenance. It’s simple; you don’t have to buy anything. All that it is is working to a standard.
MRO: You are on the advisory board at Durham College. Do you teach there?
Lambert: Being on the advisory board is something I enjoy. It’s my way of giving back. I still think of myself as a tradesman and I’m proud of it. The trade has been good to me and I like to help if I can. I don’t teach; they have very good and very qualified instructors at the college. Our role on the board is to advise on industry trends, on new technology being used. On new demands, such as windmill tower maintenance or on growing industries such as elevator service work.
You can read the whole interview here. You can also find it in MRO Magazine’s June Digital Edition here.
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