X-VIBER Vibration Measurement Tool
The X-Viber Vibration Measurement Tool is an instrument designed for condition monitoring and predictive maintenance work without the need for “expert” interpretation. Not only can it be used in a condition based maintenance program it is also an ideal instrument for supporting a preventive maintenance (PM) program. By setting a base line measurement you can compare the PM results to the base line before and after any work. This is also an excellent practice when commissioning equipment back into service so you can control any process you need to measure. With the X-Viber Vibration Measurement Tool, you choose the parameter you want to measure i.e. vibration, temperature, bearing condition, etc. and the X-Trend expert software automatically trends the measurements.
For more information on the X-Viber Vibration Measurement Tool, download the brochure below. For a comparison chart of all the Viber X handheld instruments click here.

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