More Measurement Capabilities
The wireless X-BALANCER, is an exciting new balancing instrument from VMI. The unit is safe to use, meaning the technician doesn’t need to be close to the noisy and/or hazardous environments. They can be up to 20 meters away from the machine being balanced! Some of the features of the instrument include:
- Easy to use, all necessary information ie. manual, is available in the handheld unit.
- Can be used for all rotating machines like Pumps, Fans, Mills, Mowers, Stirrers, Blowers
- Balancing can be performed in accordance with ISO Standards 1940
- Affordable, best price/performance ratio
- Balancing in 1 or 2 planes
- Change the units of measurement with ease
- Each balancing session can be stored in the Machine Library
- Weight distributions to fixed positions
- Tool library with tool compensation are available
- Ability to measure the spectra before and after balancing to present spectra graph into the balancing report
- 12 hours of continuous battery life.
- The X-Balancer includes all necessary Cables and Sensors to perform balancing
- All standard rotors are available in software, which simplifies implementation
- Balancing results can easily be reported
- 2 Years Warranty

We are Easy-Laser’s Canadian National Distributor